My Blog

  • 5 Things A Narcissist Never Does

    By on January 6, 2017

    Being romantically involved with a narcissist can often feel like being on a thrilling ride at an amusement park—full of ups and downs, and incredibly exciting. It’s not just that a narcissist can be incredibly seductive, as Dr. Joseph Burgo notes—making grand gestures, buying you things,...

  • Seven Strategies

    Unloved Daughters: 7 Strategies for Dealing with the Wounds

    By on December 22, 2016

    “Why is this so damn hard?” one woman messaged me after she read my original post. She’s 45, a mother herself, and in what she calls a strong marriage. She continues: “I’m smart, disciplined, and intellectually I know how my toxic mother has affected me. But...

  • Unloved Daughters and the Dance of Denial

    By on July 26, 2016

    Photo by Brooke Cagle. Copyright free. It’s a testament to both the centrality and complexity of the mother-daughter relationship that, for many unloved daughters, the recognition of their wounding and its source comes late in life. Some women are in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and...

  • Daughters of Unloving Mothers: 7 Common Wounds

    By on July 26, 2016

    Photo by Yaoqui Lai. Copyright free. In the years since I researched and wrote Mean Mothers, I’ve talked to women about our shared experiences. Every woman’s story is different; perhaps the greatest commonality is the discovery that each of us is not alone, that we...

  • 8 Types of Toxic Patterns in Mother-Daughter Relationships

    By on July 26, 2016

    Photo by Monika Koclajda. Used with permission. All rights reserved. It’s true enough that all daughters of unloving and unattuned mothers have common experiences. The lack of maternal warmth and validation warps their sense of self, makes them lack confidence in or be wary of close...
